
Our Women’s Ministry provides opportunities for women to grow in their relationship with Christ and one another as we live, speak, and serve as the very presence of Christ in Raleigh. 

Bible studies, trainings, and service opportunities are designed to help women grow in knowledge of God and His Word and partner together to bring the hope of Christ to our community.  




Bible reading and discussion. 
Women growing in gospel friendship. 

One to One Bible Reading is where we all read the same book of the Bible using a reading schedule. Each book will kick off with an introductory Bible Study. Each woman will pair up with another woman to meet weekly for discussion of the Scripture using study questions provided. More information and here



 Meaningful connection.
Gathering for fellowship, food, and fun. 

Join us for our three gatherings this year to enjoy fellowship, food, and fun. Details for each gathering will be posted on the weekly snapshot and social media. You can also checkout CtK women’s Facebook page to help stay up to date on happenings for women’s discipleship.


Questions? Email Hannah Brown. For up-to-date information and announcements, download the Church Center app.