Join us on Sunday mornings for worship!

There is nothing like worshipping God alongside others. In worship, we get the privilege of proclaiming truth to our own hearts and to one another in the presence of God for the glory of God.

Delighting in Jesus in worship is at the core of who we are at CtK. Please use the resources below to help you prepare, more fully engage and follow along in our worship services.



What time do services begin and what is the address?

  • Our worship services begin at 10:45am at Temple Baptist Church (1417 Clifton st.)

  • Sunday School classes for all ages are 9:30am-10:30am.

How long do services typically last?

  • Services usually run about 75 minutes.

What is the “vibe” of your service?

  • We believe in formation over formality. Our worship services are structured to help foster deeper relationships with Christ and each other. We follow a liturgy that utilizes scripture in every part of it to transform us in ways that only the Word of God can.

  • We are NOT the “frozen chosen.” We are a congregation that loves to sing. Our music is an eclectic mix of old and new hymns, CCM, and Gospel led by guitars, drums, bass, keyboards and volunteers in our church who are passionate about good music and even more passionate about pointing souls to Jesus. You may see lifted hands. You may hear clapping. You may see people sitting or standing in quiet contemplation. We invite you at CtK to worship God and celebrate His goodness towards you in a way that honors Him and feels most natural to you.

  • Come dressed in a way that makes you feel comfortable to worship. Like our music, attire at CtK can vary from shorts and t-shirts to sundresses to khaki’s and a buttoned-down shirt. There aren’t too many suits and ties, but if that makes you comfortable to worship, we’d be happy to welcome you and your tie.

How is communion served and how often?

  • Communion is served every Sunday.

  • In communion at CtK, believers will walk to the front, tear off a piece of bread, take a small cup of wine/grape juice, return to your seat and wait to partake until all have received.

  • Pre-packed communion and gluten-free options are available.

What do you offer for my kids?

Are there opportunities for me and/or my family to get involved in worship beyond just being a service attendee?

  • Absolutely! As a church, we believe that God calls every believer not to “sit” but to serve. If you feel that God is leading you to serve in specific ways, please reach out to one of our elders or staff and they will point you in the right direction.

Where can I see a sample of your service, songs and sermons?

  • Now that we are in our new location (Temple Baptist) Sunday service live streaming is back! You can check out some of our current services on our YouTube page.

  • For our service liturgy, check out our most current Sunday Bulletin.

  • For our sermons, check out our Sermons page or search “CtK Raleigh Sermons” wherever you get your podcasts.

I have more questions about your worship services. Who can I talk to?

  • For more questions about our worship services feel free to reach out to our worship director, Danny Yancey ( or any of our church leadership, and someone will get back to you within 24 hours.

Inclement Weather Plan

- In the case of inclement weather, a decision to cancel or delay Sunday service will be made by 5:00 PM on the preceding Saturday.

- If the service is canceled or delayed, an announcement will be sent via email and text.

-An announcement will also be posted here

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