
CtK Children’s Ministry exists to partner alongside parents while they help their children discover Jesus, delight in Him, and display His love to their families and communities.


Sunday Mornings:

9:30am Sunday School:  

During this church wide discipleship hour, the children learn about God’s great design and love for them using the “Show Me Jesus” curriculum.

Children are divided into the following classes: 

  • Infants, Walkers, Toddlers, Preschool

  • PreK, K & 1st, 2nd & 3rd, and 4th & 5th graders

10:45am Worship Service:

Nursery classes for our youngest worshippers (Infants, Walkers, Toddlers, & Preschool) are available at the beginning of the worship service. 

PreK through 3rd graders attend Kids Worship in the Chapel. They sit with their parents during the beginning of the worship service and are dismissed during the Gospel Hospitality portion of the service. The children return to the sanctuary before communion.

  • PreK & K children learn about worship from the Teach Me to Worship curriculum. 

  • 1st, 2nd, & 3rd graders are equipped using the New City Catechism.



All volunteers and teachers have undergone a thorough background check, completed MinistrySafe's training, and are following CtK’s Child Safeguarding Policy. Please review our Child Safeguard Policy for more information.  


Questions or curiosities?
Contact our Director of Kids Ministry, Katherine Harrison here