In The Wilderness: #BLESSED Danny YanceyJanuary 22, 2023Christ the King PCAIn the Wilderness, #BLESSED, Numbers6:22-27;8:1-4
In The Wilderness: The Cleanse Danny YanceyJanuary 15, 2023Christ the King PCAWelcome to the Wilderness, Numbers 6:1-21, Nazirite
In The Wilderness: Welcome to the Wilderness Danny YanceyJanuary 8, 2023Christ the King PCAIn the Wilderness, Welcome to the Wilderness, Numbers 1:1-3, 45-46; 2:1-2, 17
The King Who Came Danny YanceyJanuary 1, 2023Christ the King PCALuke 2:1-21, The Hope Who Came, The King Who Came
The Coming Hope: The Coming Feast Danny YanceyDecember 18, 2022Christ the King PCARev. 19:6-9; 22:17, The Coming Hope, The Coming Feast
The Coming Hope: The Coming Judgment Danny YanceyDecember 11, 2022Christ the King PCAThe Coming Hope, The Coming Judgment, Rev. 20:11 - 21:7
The Coming Hope: The Coming Victory Danny YanceyDecember 4, 2022Christ the King PCA The Coming Hope, The Coming Victory, Rev. 12:1-17
The Coming Hope: The Coming Reunion Danny YanceyNovember 27, 2022Christ the King PCAThe Coming Hope, The Coming Reunion, Rev. 7:9-17
The Coming Hope: The Coming King Danny YanceyNovember 21, 2022Christ the King PCAThe Coming Hope, The Coming King, Rev 19:11-16
Co-Laborers; Co-Heirs: Brothers and Sisters Danny YanceyNovember 20, 2022Christ the King PCACo-Laborers; Co-Heirs, Mark 3:32-35, Heb 2:10-18, Brothers and Sisters
Co-Laborers; Co-Heirs: Ministry Partners and Paul Danny YanceyNovember 7, 2022Christ the King PCACo-Laborers; Co-Heirs, Paul, Ministry Partners, Romans 16:1-20
Co-Laborers; Co-Heirs: A Better Way Danny YanceyOctober 30, 2022Christ the King PCACo-Laborers; Co-Heirs, Phil 2;1-13; Mark 10:42-45, A Better Way
Co-Laborers; Co-Heirs: Ruth and Boaz Danny YanceyOctober 23, 2022Christ the King PCACo-Laborers; Co-Heirs, Ruth 1:1-9; 1:22-2:1; 4:13-17, Ruth and Boaz
Co-Laborers; Co-Heirs: Miriam and Moses Danny YanceyOctober 9, 2022Christ the King PCAMiriam and Moses, Co-Laborers; Co-Heirs, Exodus 15:1-21
Co-Laborers; Co-Heirs: Eve and Adam Danny YanceyOctober 2, 2022Christ the King PCACo-Laborers; Co-Heirs, Eve and Adam, Genesis 1:27-27; 2:15-25; 3:8-18
The Happiness Project: Persecuted Danny YanceyOctober 2, 2022Christ the King PCAThe Happiness Project, Matthew 5:1-12, Persecuted
Best. Sermon. Ever.: The Two Ways Danny YanceySeptember 18, 2022Christ the King PCABest. Sermon. Ever., Matthew 7:12-29, Sermon On the Mount
Best. Sermon. Ever.: God Wants You to Ask Danny YanceySeptember 11, 2022Christ the King PCABest. Sermon. Ever., Matthew 7:7-11, Prayer
Best. Sermon. Ever.: Don't Stop There Danny YanceySeptember 4, 2022Christ the King PCABest. Sermon. Ever., Matthew 7:1-6, Judgment
Best. Sermon. Ever.: Not To Worry Danny YanceyAugust 28, 2022Christ the King PCABest. Sermon. Ever., Matthew 6:25-34, Worry